13400 West Washington Blvd, Suite 202B Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
(310) 827-2792

Beyond Invisalign with ClearCorrect

If you’re here, there’s a good chance you started Googling for Invisalign before you found this page on clear aligners. No worries, Invisalign is a brand name for these alternatives to traditional braces but it’s not the only brand on the market. At Elegant Dentistry in Marina del Rey, we use clear aligners from ClearCorrect. What they lack in name recognition they make up for in ease of use and effectiveness. Our patients tell us they’re delighted with how comfortable and convenient their experiences are and how much more attractive and healthier their smiles have become. It’s one more reason we’ve been voted the best dental office in West Los Angeles year after year.

What’s In a Name?

What’s happened with clear aligners and Invisalign is similar to events years ago with brands like Kleenex, Frigidaire, and Xerox: an individual brand has grabbed so much attention that people confuse the brand name with the type of product. Most people still ask for a “Kleenex” when they need a facial tissue and call their refrigerator a “fridge” (short for Frigidaire). Xerox was once the primary word people used for photocopies and it was used as both a noun and a verb as in “please Xerox this report.” Even so, competing brands like Epson and Sharp were somehow able to dislodge the Xerox corporation and most people call even a Xerox product a photocopier rather than a “Xerox machine.”

So, what does clear aligner branding mean to you, the patient? We’d say next to nothing. After all, you just want straight teeth and a healthy and attractive smile — the brand of clear aligner you use is beside the point. The important thing is to have the best dentist in West Los Angeles, ensuring you are as comfortable as possible while achieving the best possible outcome. Elegant Dentistry chose ClearCorrect because we think it does the best job — and using the best dentist you can find is always the best choice.

Why We May Chose Clear Aligners/ClearCorrect Over Traditional Braces

Younger kids who have their adult teeth may see the familiar plastic and metal braces as a normal rite of passage they are sharing with many of their friends. However, as the tween years become the teen years and we become young adults, the conspicuous nature of braces may seem embarrassing and will become more so the older we get.

The difference in appearance seems to be the primary motivator for patients, but it’s not the only reason to go clear. There’s no getting around the sometimes-cumbersome nature of living with braces. Since braces stay on the teeth between visits to a dental office, keeping them clean while you wear them requires some extra work you may prefer to avoid. Also, there’s a fairly long list of foods patients with braces can’t eat. This includes such hard, sticky, and/or chewy favorites as popcorn, pretzels, nuts, and pizza crust, as well as chewy baked goods such as many buns and bagels.

Clear Aligner Benefits

Clear aligners, sometimes called invisible braces, are not literally invisible. However, they do not attract attention and there’s little chance of anyone noticing them if you don’t point it out yourself.

As for convenience, since the ClearCorrect aligners we use are removable, oral hygiene is pretty much the same as you should be doing normally. Better yet, patients can typically stick to their preferred diet because they will remove their aligners while eating.

Clear Aligner Facts

  • Clear aligners must be worn for roughly 22 to 24 hours daily to work well.
  • Patients agree they are more comfortable.
  • Treatment may take less time, with most courses of treatment ending at 18 to 36 months.

Beyond Invisalign with Elegant Dentistry in West Los Angeles

Elegant Dentistry is based in Marina del Rey adjacent to Venice, Culver City, and Playa del Rey. Our diverse patient base includes people in the entertainment business, “Silicon Beach” tech people, legal professionals, and anyone who wants an additional edge with cosmetic dentistry. We also have patients of all ages who rely on us for care for seniors and pediatric dentistry.

Our amazing team of top dentists and oral health professionals have regularly won awards as the best dental office in West Los Angeles. To learn more about Elegant Dentistry in Marina del Rey, get in touch with us at the number on your screen or visit our contact page today.

(310) 827-2792