13400 West Washington Blvd, Suite 202B Marina Del Rey, CA 90292
(310) 827-2792

The Cosmetic Dentistry Arms Race

Recent articles have noted that the teeth of many celebrities are exhibiting two noteworthy traits – first, gorgeous perfection, and second, looking increasingly similar from one mouth to the next. One reason for this is that there are many ways a smile can collapse but fewer ways in which it can look perfect. After all, while no two healthy smiles are exactly alike, they are a lot more alike than two mouths that have multiple oral health issues.

The long and short of this is that the more people take advantage of cosmetic dentistry, the more we all become used to beautiful teeth and see them as the norm. In these circumstances, a mouth with relatively mild cosmetic issues could seem worse than underwhelming – especially for people in show business and other areas where a good appearance makes a big difference.

For people who want to compete at a high level in the social or business realm, it’s a good idea to take a look at the best weaponry currently available.

Teeth Whitening

Home teeth whitening treatments have always been good sellers but they mostly come in two much-less-than-ideal types.

  1. Treatments that may sometimes work but which can endanger teeth.
  2. Treatments that are safe but have little or no visible impact.

It’s important to be especially careful about “hacks” promoted over blogs and social media. Many approaches, especially those involving prolonged contact between your teeth and acidic liquids like lemon juice or vinegar can be dangerous. Activated charcoal, specifically, is controversial even when used by professionals. Home treatments with it can be especially bad.

In general, the moment someone promotes anything close to a miracle cure for dingy teeth, beware. The cliché is right: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

There are over-the-counter versions involving one substance that is highly effective and safe but only if applied correctly: hydrogen peroxide. While there are peroxide products on the market, commercial products need to be extra safe so they tend to be weak and therefore of little use. Only an oral health professional can properly calibrate the composition of whitening treatments so they are both effective and safe.

Teeth Whitening the Right Way

At Elegant Dentistry we offer two methods of whitening teeth involving trays featuring special whitening gels only available through dentists.

Customized Take-Home Whitening Trays. These are made based on impressions taken of the patient’s teeth. A patient is given a syringe of the gel and detailed instructions on how and when to prepare the trays.

In Office Treatment. This begins with a thorough teeth cleaning where we use pumice to make sure the teeth are as clean as possible and free of all plaque. Then a gingival barrier is placed to protect gums and other soft oral tissue. After that, two gel treatments are applied. Before leaving, the patient will be able to see a before/after comparison.

Veneers and Crowns

Sometimes discoloration and other issues – such as cracking – can’t be addressed with gels. At that point, the strategy is to reinforce the tooth with a veneer or full crown. As the name suggests, veneers cover the front of the tooth to create a more attractive appearance and, in some cases, they protect the tooth against decay and other dangers.

When teeth are more fully compromised, a crown – the same kind of full prosthetic placed over root canals and dental implants – can be added. We offer crowns in porcelain, ceramic, and zirconia for the most attractive and enduring smiles possible. Ask your dentist which type is best for your mouth.

Of course, in many cases, it may be necessary to place veneers and/or crowns on multiple teeth to create a consistent and natural-looking outcome. Strictly cosmetic treatments will typically not be covered by your dental insurance, but don’t be intimidated by the expense even before you’ve found out what it is! Elegant Dentistry works hard to make sure that our great patients can fit the costs of treatment into their regular budget.

Ceramic Inlays for Confident Speaking

When we talk about cosmetic dentistry, we often focus on the appearance of the smile. That’s natural but what about when we open our mouths to talk? Standard amalgam fillings with their dull silver appearance can be distracting and detract from the beauty of your teeth. Replacing those old fillings with tooth-colored ceramic inlays in Marina del Rey at our offices can lead to an overall more pleasant and natural appearance whether you’re smiling, talking, or laughing.

Orthodontia for a Straight Smile

Having straight teeth is much more than a cosmetic matter but, obviously, there’s a big aesthetic component. Crooked or misaligned teeth can lead to multiple oral health issues including a higher risk of gum disease and tooth decay. While we offer traditional orthodontia, we know that for many adults it can be a cumbersome process. That’s why Elegant Dentistry offers patients both traditional orthodontia with braces as well as clear aligners from ClearCorrect that can make a truly dramatic difference in the beauty of anyone’s smile at any age.

Don’t Get Left Behind in the Smile Race!

If you’re ready to stay ahead of the pack with the brightest, most attractive smile possible, Elegant Dentistry in Marina del Rey is here to help. Just call us at the number on your screen or visit our contact page today

(310) 827-2792